Dagsnotering 2025-01-16    Cu Cash USD/ton:9 135,0    Zn Cash USD/ton: 2 824,0    1,00 USD; SEK: 11,1665    1,00 EUR; SEK: 11,5015


Brass Specialists


Nordic Brass Gusum is a company with considerable experience in the brass industry and a long history of specialisation and origin back to 1600. Our production plant is situated in Gusum with a capacity to produce 25,000 tons of brass annually.


Read more about us


Dagsnotering 2025-01-16

Cu Cash USD/ton: 9 135,0
Zn Cash USD/ton: 2 824,0
USD/SEK: 11,1665
EUR/SEK: 11,5015

About Us


Full service - under one roof

Nordic Brass Gusum manufactures semi-finished products at one of Europe's most advanced brass production plants. Customers include companies in the heating, ventilation and sanitary industry, the engineering and automative industries, the building industry, and electrical and telecom industries.


We are very proud of our recycling system with trucks that both deliver products but also pick up brass scrap that have fallen in our customers' own production process.

This means that our customers can pay for part of their new brass orders with their own lost production because we can pick it up and melt it down into new brass.

All transport is carried out with trucks that meet the emission requirements for EUR6 



Our quality is controlled by a quality management system that is certified according to EN ISO 9001. 

Certificate 9001_eng 2024.pdf


We are certified according to SS-EN ISO 14001.

Certificate 14001_eng 2024.pdf


We are certified according to SS-EN ISO 50001. 

Certificate 50001_eng 2024.pdf